Profissional Experience
February 2017 - present
Project Manager - ANABLE - Associação Nacional para o Melhoramento dos Bovinos Leiteiros.
Management of project priorities, resources and budget; Definition of operation, development and quality metrics; Training and management of a project team geographically distributed (Pt+Sl); Strengthening of partnerships with Higher Education and Research Institutions.
More info at
September 2016 - March 2017
Trainer - Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP - Vila Nova de Gaia) -
Trainer in the areas of Computer science (Computer architecture, Algorithms, Programming) and Chemistry (Organic compounds, Polymers, Metal alloys and other materials).
July 2014 -
September 2016
Executive Director (“Secretário Geral”) – Share – “Associação para a Partilha do Conhecimento”, Porto, Portugal.
Promotion of the activity of the Association, as defined by the Administration; Attract new Associates and Sponsors; Represent the Organization at community activities and relevant institution (e.g.: Universities, Government, other Associations); Oversee day-to-day operation of the organization. Coach and mentor other collaborators.
More info at and
October 1996 –
Professor – Departamento de Sistemas de Informação, Universidade do Minho, Azurém, Portugal.
Planning, implementation and lecturing of Course Units in the area of “Computer Programming” and “Information Systems”. Research in eLearning and Technology adoption in Higher Education Institutions; Management of projects of design, development and adoption of web platforms in organizational contexts; Coordination of European Projects; Scientific supervision of academic research work (Master, PhD).
More info at
March 1996 –
September 1996
Trainer (Formador) – COEM, Controlo de Obras, Engenharia e Manutenção, Lda., Matosinhos, Portugal
Translation to Portuguese of “ISA-Certified-Control-Systems-Technician: Level 1 (CCST Program Level Study Guide)”; course preparation and application to IEFP; planning and monitoring of two editions of the Course “Instrumentistas de Controlo”.
December 1993 –
February 1996
Researcher – Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy.
Planning and execution of research activities (prototype scale) in the area of intrinsic safety of control systems for chemical reactors.
April 1989 –
November 1993
Researcher (Bolseiro de Investigação) – Centro de Engenharia Química, Porto, Portugal.
Grant holder of Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica (JNICT): Junior Researcher (1989 - 1991), PhD student (1991 - 1993) – “Investigação em Controlo Avançado de Evaporadores de Múltiplo Efeito”, project in partnership with “RAR – Refinarias de Açúcar Reunidas, SA”.